Solar energy is ever on the rise in this modern era. Companies are expanding their solar power usage on enormous scales and people are constantly thinking of innovative ways to have a more sufficient system. One of the biggest problems for solar panels, is the overheating in very hot climates. However, researchers have been attempting to find ways of cooling without damaging the equipment. A key factor of all solar panels, is that they are waterproof. In this case you could technically use water to cool them down. Taking this a step even further; Humans use sweat to cool them down during the heat, so what if solar panels produced water when heat rises?


How can a Solar Panel Produce Water (Sweat)?


In order for a solar panel to stay cool, there would have to be a system that would enable a flow of water whenever they are overheating. Researchers are trying to have a gel that once heated up in the sun, will allow water to be released through the bottom of these gels. Therein acting as almost a sweating cooling process. There is a specific type of gel that is capable of absorbing water vapor all throughout the night. This is referred to as an atmospheric water collector.

The gel absorbs the water in the air on nights with high humidity. This water is then stored as water droplets inside of it. Normally, this would secrete as water vapor once the gel was heated. However, if you are able to encase this gel in a plastic material, then the water vapor would be trapped inside. Once trapped, it will condense into a liquid that may be transferred and stored into a storage container. Finally, once the panels are overheating, the storage container would release some water to cool down the solar panels.


If you need any Solar Panel installation within the Palm Beach area, then contact Net0 Energy today!